Friday, January 9, 2009

This is my first college project that inspired me to create others.  I used a fine point pen to create the thin lines that form with my face.  I don't really know how many hours it took to create because I just needed to get it done for the class to critique on it.  I spent  atleast 4 class hours and a few days up till 2-3 in the morning.  I created this piece on a 30"x18" piece of watercolor paper.  The assignment was to create a self portrait in words that describe my personallity.  I Love Skateboarding so I took a picture that looks like a skaters profile shot.  Enjoy my first written self portrait!

Jessica Henderson

This is a picture that I made for my Girlfriend Jessica Henderson.  I can't quite remember how much time was put into it but I think it's about the same as all of the other drawings 1o plus hours.  I used a 03 fine point pen to create thin lined words.  I used a 24"x18" sketch pad paper.  I've been wanting to express to her how much she means to me so I used words of love and encouragement to show her personallity with words.  I'm sure the first thing you'll see when you look closely is the word CARING accross her face.  Enjoy!  This is one of my favorites!

Marilynn and Earl Williams

This is a commissioned Portrait that I did for my Grandma and Grandpa for their 55th Aniversary.  The piece took me approximately 13 hours to create using a 03 fine point pen.  I used a 27"x21" piece of watercolor paper to soak up the ink from the pen that way the lines aren't thick and blochy.  My father asked Earl and Marilynn what words or sentences they would like to be seen in it so what I do is place them to fit in the picture so that it comes to life.  Look closely to see all of the details and scripture that I used to make this image come to life!